Episode 201: Just Glue It
We’re back to start out Season 9 with the first episode of 2020. And of course Amber and Val have to cover one of their favorite topics: adhesives. What glues work best when? What is our favorite glue? And why is hot glue the best thing next to craft foam?

Episode 20: Photoshop Much?
First! We announce the prize pool for ALL-CON Dallas 2020’s cosplay contest. Joy! Then, we get ready for the angry e-mails. Amber and Val discuss Photoshopping in cosplay and how sometimes it goes too far.

Episode 203: The Real World: Cosplay Edition
Another ALL-CON announcement and Amber and Val discuss how this crazy hobby of cosplay can translate to helping you in the real world!

Episode 204: Wood You Be…
Catch up on the cosplay shindigs! Amber provides a great tutorial on how to paint foam to look like wood!

Episode 205: Con Cancellations and COVID-19
No puns on this episode title! We’re talking about recent convention cancellations due to COVID-19. What is this virus? How do we reduce our risk to catching it? Is all of the talk over-hyped or are there some truths to the virus? And what to do if the con you were attending was cancelled.

Episode 206: An En-Joy-able Episode
We update everyone about ALLCON and the cosplay contest, but we also have something fun to share: VAL GOT A CRICUT! Unbox with us!

Episode 207: We Got a Cosplay Book!
Amber and Val catch up on their latest cosplay happenings, and we take a moment to review a new book: ‘The Art of Cosplay’ by Andy Knapik.

Note: We did receive the book from the author for free, but we were not paid to review it. The responses and feedback you will hear/see are our honest review of the book.

Learn more about ‘The Art of Cosplay’ at: https://www.amazon.com/Art-Cosplay-Andy-Knapik/dp/0578469332

Episode 208: Where to Start in Cosplay?
New to cosplay? Interested in it? Don’t know where to begin? That’s what this episode will cover! We’ll talk about a few ways to jump into cosplay without feeling overwhelmed!

Episode 209: Contest-able Questions
After Val’s panel for AradaniCon, she received quite a few questions! So we’re going to answer them live and help you gain even more insight into cosplay contests, how they work, and what you can do to improve your costume.

Episode 210: Taking the Gloves Off
Amber and Val catch up on cosplay news, share an announcement for our Online Cosplay Contest, and provide a very handy, full-proof glove tutorial!

Episode 211: So You Wanna Be a Cosplay Guest
Ready to enter the world of cosplay guesting? Amber and Val provide tips for all cosplayers on how to get started, building your portfolio, and how to reach out to conventions to get your name out there.

Episode 212: ALL-CON Dallas 2020 Online Cosplay Contest
Welcome to the digital runway for the ALL-CON 2020 Online Cosplay Contest! Video has been edited to remove the off-screen judging session and any pauses in the original stream.

Donations made possible by TNT Cosplay Supply.

Special guests & judging team:

Concolor & TRRose from MeowAboutCosplay

MikoMiko Cosplay

Episode 213: Is Cosplay a Community?
A hot topic right now has been a growing question among many cosplayers: is cosplay a community? How has it changed over the years? Was it ever a community? We tackle the question with this episode.

Episode 214: Going Fast with Foam Armor!
We’re back with another episode! Amber reviews the book ‘Foam Armor, Fast’ by Bill Doran.

Episode 215: Instant Molding
We check up on the latest in cosplay news, talk a little bit about #ComicConAtHome with San Diego Comic Con, and Amber review InstaMold – a “fast” way to make temporary molds.

Episode 216: All About That Drape
After 9 seasons, some of our tutorials are a bit out of date. And we’ve learned so much over the years, we want to share our knowledge. So first tutorial in need of an update is Pattern Draping: The Basics.

Episode 217: Massively Makeup!
After our cosplay updates and WCS news, we review a makeup book by Kinpatsu cosplay!

Episode 218: More Resin Adventures
Amber continues on her molding mayhem and reviews the resin product Castin’ Craft. Will she resiin in 100 degree F heat? Will she stay indoors? Will her molds melt?

Episode 219: Post-Pandemic Con Life
With 2020 steadily, and finally, making it’s way to an end, we wonder what convention life will be like in 2021? What will a post-pandemic con look like? Will we be able to go to conventions at all in the US in 2021? We take a look at what conventions can do to stay safe.

Episode 220: Wicked Wigs
After catching up on some cosplay updates, we review a more recent cosplay book from Cowbutt Crunchies Cosplay: The Art of Extreme Wig Styling.

Episode 221: Amber’s Magnetic Personality
It took 9 years, but Amber finally has her magnet episode! Learn about the wonders of magnets in cosplay and the multiple ways to use them!

Episode 222: Halloween Party Season 9 Wrap Up!

It’s our last episode of the season – Halloween Party time! We spend this session talking just a smidge about cosplay and mostly playing games with our viewers. Thank you to everyone for joining us, for your years of support, and we’ll see you in Season 10! Note: This is our annual “After Dark” episode so expect content to be more on the PG-13 side, but nothing vulgar.

CosPod Extras Episode 1: Cosplay & Blogging with Kia Sangria!

We might be on our seasonal break, but that doesn’t stop the rush of cosplay. Introducing CosPod Extras! A Mini Episode of cosplay content in a bite-sized serving so you can continue to enjoy our crafty shenanigans between seasons. Our First Mini Episode we interview cosplayer Kia Sangria! A New York-based costumer and designer who has a really cool partnership with Fabric Wholesale Direct writing cosplay blogs. Learn more about her work on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kiasangriany/

CosPod Extras Episode 2 – Busy with the Brushes

Inspired by our makeup book review, this CosPod Extras is dedicated to Makeup Brushes! One thing that we found missing from a number of makeup tutorials is information about the brushes.

CosPod Extras Episode 3 – Aftersession Mayhem

For those who listen/watch on podcasting apps, you’re missing our on our Afterssions! These YouTube exclusives are more mayhem and nerdy randomness, but somehow we always tie it back to cosplay. Many of our jokes and memes are born from Aftersessions. Here’s a sample!