Even More Updates!

Hello Podders and happy new year. We have had a load of upgrades happening on the website and the feeds this year in order to streamline a few things for us, and keep up to date with the change of podcasting aggregators.

Let’s start with the Feeds. You may have noticed that our main feed no longer appears in video format. A number of podcasting sources no longer show videos, opting to only share audio. It made sense to us to drop the video from our feed and focus on an audio-only format. This way we don’t have to bang our head against coding to force the feed to work with other podcasting platforms, and it’ll be easier on updates for us in the long run.

You can still watch CosPod in video! All our HD videos are hosted on YouTube. We’ll continue to record in video for the foreseeable future.

With this switch to audio only, you may have experienced some disruptions to the feed in December. We apologize for the inconvenience! All episodes have been fully converted to audio-only and our feed is working on every platform…that we’re aware of. If you’re experiencing any playback issues, please let us know and provide the service/platform you are listening on so we can investigate.

This also means our entire Show Archive is in need of an update. We’re no longer hosting videos on our website and swapping the Archive over to the audio format. Since every season needed to be fixed, we’ve opted to give the Archive a new look! You’ll now find that each episode will include show notes, audio link, and a video link to watch. Season’s 10-13 are available and we are steadily working through the other seasons. We’ll re-post them when they are ready.

Next up, accessibility! We’ve got a cookie consent policy now alongside a privacy policy. And an accessibility button to change the colors and fonts for easier reading. We have a few more images to update on descriptions and alt tags, but we hope these new features will be beneficial.

As you can see, loads of changes happened in the past month! We are still working through the audio/video conversion updates and hope to make noticeable progress soon.

Website Updates & New Episode!

We’re making some small adjustments to the website to help with loading speeds. Nothing that you should see will affect your experience other than pages loading faster.

And our latest episode is out! Costume Pressure Overload. Watch here on our website or through your favorite podcasting platform. We discuss the concern of creating new costumes for every con, or for social media, at a rapid pace that can affect one’s health. How do we cultivate a healthier mindset and lifestyle for cosplay?

CosPod Updates for 2021!

Good day podders and new listeners/viewers. We wanted to share a few words with you all about how the rest of 2021 will pan out for conventions and what-not.

The big update for Season 10 is that we now have audio-only versions going out to the internet. You can find us on pretty much every podcasting platform available. Start off at our Linktree and go from there! If we’re not on a platform that you use, let us know. We release both a video and audio version of the podcast, so you have multiple ways to watch and listen.

With the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, CosPod has decided to not attend any in-person events for the year. Please continue to stay safe for yourself, your loved ones, and for the community.

Though we are not attending in-person, CosPod is available for online conventions! If you have a local con maintaining an online event this year, we would love to be involved. Please contact us with more details, or reach out to the convention so they can get in touch with us. Between the two hosts, we have more than 20+ years of experience in cosplaying, crafting, & teaching; as well as 10+ years of podcasting.

Thanks again to everyone for all of your support over the last 10 seasons. We’ve got plenty more content on the way!

CosPod Extras!

Podders! We didn’t want to leave you without some good ‘ol CosPod content while we take our seasonal break. We threw together an idea for the rest of the year. Something we call CosPod Extras.

A bite-sized taste of CosPod shenanigans! We’ve got a couple of great topics lined up for you in the coming weeks to fill your podcasting feed.

Our First Mini episode is Blogging Paradise! An Interview with Kia Sangria. A New York-based costumer and designer who has a really cool partnership with Fabric Wholesale Direct writing cosplay blogs. Learn more about her work at https://twitter.com/Kiasangria93 & https://www.instagram.com/kiasangriany/ Photos by: SIN-TRON84