The Consequences of Crunch – Now Live!

Happy July to you all! We’re half way through the year and our latest episode is now available on your favorite podcasting platforms, or through our website.

Episode 235 focuses on ConCrunch.

What it is. What it can do to your health. And what cosplayers and the convention-going public should do to stop promoting the behavior.

As this episode focuses more on stress and mental & physical health, we’d like to remind everyone that the hosts of CosPod are not medical experts. We did our best to research the topic in full from various, authentic medical resources before recording this episode. If you ever have any questions about your health or the effects of crunch, please speak to your doctor.

Resources for the episode linked below:

CosPod Extra #3 Is Live

Our last one for the holidays before Season 10 begins.

We can’t believe we’ve been doing this for 10 years either. Wow!

Our latest Extra we wanted to share with the general audience our Aftersessions! These extra segments take place right after the main show and are a bit more carefree. But somehow we always manage to return it back to cosplay, regardless of what we’re talking about. Many of our jokes and memes develop in the Aftersession. These are YouTube only exclusives, which is why you don’t see or hear them in our main feed.

Give it a watch/listen and join us on YouTube for more.

Extras 2 – Makeup Brushes!

Our next mini episode is live! Check it out through any of our media channels or directly on our website.

CosPod Extras 2 focuses on makeup brushes! Inspired by our recent makeup book review, we wanted to highlight the 12 brushes you should have in your kit. But also explain how to tell the difference between each brush and why they are useful. One thing we’ve found while reading up on makeup and watching tutorials is very few explain the brushes. And with so many on the market it can be difficult to know where to start. That’s where this Extra comes in!

CosPod Extras!

Podders! We didn’t want to leave you without some good ‘ol CosPod content while we take our seasonal break. We threw together an idea for the rest of the year. Something we call CosPod Extras.

A bite-sized taste of CosPod shenanigans! We’ve got a couple of great topics lined up for you in the coming weeks to fill your podcasting feed.

Our First Mini episode is Blogging Paradise! An Interview with Kia Sangria. A New York-based costumer and designer who has a really cool partnership with Fabric Wholesale Direct writing cosplay blogs. Learn more about her work at & Photos by: SIN-TRON84