Hi! We’re Amber and Val, the hosts of CosPod. We are teachers and aficionados of cosplay, and we enjoy bringing tutorials, interviews, philosophical discussions, and news to those who share our passion of the art. We spend part of the year attending conventions and doing our CosPod thing; you’ve probably seen us with cameras and microphones in hand!
Amber – Founder, Host
I’ve been sewing for over 20 years and cosplaying nearly that long as a hobbyist; I do work full time at a mundane job and cosplay on the side as a hobby. Most of the time, my ambition is greater than my talent, haha. I have won a couple of awards in competition, and I’m constantly pushing to improve my skills. As far as podcasting goes though, I actually prefer being the power behind the throne, not the person sitting on it.
Photo by Photopersuasion.
Valerie – Producer, Editor, Co-Host
TifaIA Cosplay is a long-time gaming and movie academic nerd. Cosplaying since 2008. For her cosplay is more than dressing up as your favorite character. It’s about personally expressing yourself in a fashionable art form that allows you to connect to your fandom in a creative way.
Her love of cosplay has won her a number of awards around the country! Taking her brand of geekiness to conventions, you’ll find her hosting panels while throwing down game theory knowledge in her wake.
Photo by CosPod.