Or you can watch on our website. 😀 Updates to the feed has been made and we hope you enjoy our first digital cosplay contest, which includes a runway presentation!
ALL-CON Digital Cosplay Contest 2020 Now on Feeds!

Or you can watch on our website. 😀 Updates to the feed has been made and we hope you enjoy our first digital cosplay contest, which includes a runway presentation!
Thank you to all of the cosplayers whom participated in the contest, as well as the viewers, ALL-CON Dallas, TNT Cosplay Supply, our judging team (MeowAbout Cosplay and MikoMiko Cosplay), and our CosPod supporters.
This was one busy event, and required a lot of effort by our 2-man team to pull off. We hope that you all enjoyed the experience. While we know it’s not the same as the real deal, we wanted to try and present the digital runway as close as we could to the in-person convention version.
The video is available for playback on YouTube. We removed the judging session, which occurred off-screen, and any pauses in the video that occurred due to lag in the stream. The episode will be available on our Feed during our normal bi-weekly schedule.
Please help support ALL-CON Dallas! You can purchase your badges for 2021 right now, or send in a donation to help with the March Recovery fund.