Welcome to CosPod, the Podcast for All Things Cosplay.
For the past 13 seasons, we have been bringing the internet the latest in news, tutorials, tips, tricks, interviews, and convention reviews – all focusing on cosplay! In an easy-to-digest video podcast form. Episodes air monthly, with a live recording session on the third Saturday of the month.
Listen right now with our latest episode!

Episode 302: Cosplay Contest Overload – CosPod: The Cosplay Podcast
Watch or listen on the following platforms:
RSS Feed
Show Archive *undergoing maintenance as we upgrade!
YouTube (For HD videos and the exclusive Aftersession!)
Apple Podcasts
Amazon Audible
Additional Platforms can be found on our Linktree.
We are always looking for cosplay stories to share, news to discuss, and guests to interview. If you have any suggestions, we’d love to read them! Drop us a line.